High Noon Flash Sale
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Hurry up to take advantage of a special flash sale rebate offer on High Noon Sun Sips...save up to $10!
- Save $1 for every 4-pack of High Noon Seltzers (max. six (6) 4-packs)
- Save $3 for every 8-pack of High Noon Seltzers (max. three (3) 8-packs)
- Save $5 for every 12-pack of High Noon Seltzers (max. two (2) 12-packs)
It's as easy as three steps: (1) Text SUNSIPS to 73876; (2) Upload the itemized receipt from your online or in-store order; (3) Redeem the Offer!
But don't wait...this offer ends Monday, July 5th!